Monday, July 6, 2009

New zone (Celaya) New companion. 4150 blog hits

Hey Mom and dad,

Where to start??? First off, the Zone Leader Council went really well. We stayed the night in Leon. It turns out Elder Maxfield, Elder Callen, Elder Ditto and I are ALL getting moved up as Zone leaders so we had a lot of fun all being together again and now as ZLs. The ZL council lasted Monday and Tuesday till about 4pm. Elder Whittle stayed in Salamanca with another companionship while I was in Leon.

President decided to change me so I have left Salamanca and the Irapuato zone and have traveled about 45 minutes to my new zone which is called Celaya. My zone leader companion is Elder Holt from Utah. He has about a month less than I do in the mission. I actually knew him in the MTC. BUT, I am actually not with Elder Holt. Due to the number of new missionaries who have gotten to the mission, all the ZLs have been training newbies. So right now I am with Elder Richards from San Diego, California. Elder Richard’s ex- companion/trainer is Elder Velez my first companion! So I am just taking over as his comp. We are living 4 Americans in one house so this should be fun!

My foot is doing well. I have had very little pain this last week so that has been nice. When my foot doesn’t hurt my knee doesn’t hurt so that’s a good thing. I usually just take regular Ibuprofen because that’s what the doctor recommended.

Things are going well here, I still haven’t received my ATM card. But I’m guessing it should be here within this week. Elder Whittle will bring it to me when we have the zone conference or he will give it to President Cox to give it to me.

Love ya!

1. What are your duties as a zone leader?
------Make sure my zone is being obedient and most importantly...baptizing! Also I have to prepare trainings and do divisions with the companionships that are struggling etc etc.

2. Of all your different companions, who has been your favorite?
------ As for my favorite companion, I can’t really think of one because they have all been so fun. But the funnest time and most memorable of my mission was the time I spent in San Luis Potosi with Elder Lopez and Elder Kay. Those days were golden.

3. Did you and your companion do anything to celebrate the 4th?
------No not really. We actually forgot, which was funny. We worked all day Saturday, and then while we were walking home I remembered it was the 4th, so then we began talking about the blessings of living in the USA.


Jeff Trader said...

Elder Salazar,

As I read your post, I couldn't help but to think of how the experiences you are having will uniquely qualify you for the aspirations you seek after your mission.

Seth Olson gave a testimony the other day wherein he said something profound, paraphrased as, "life is mostly about fun, if you are having fun then you are feeling the Spirit, you are friendly with others, inviting others to join with you in the fun." I think that might be a large part of your assignment as a ZL. I know the ZL's I looked up to on my Mission were fun to be with.

The economy is becomming a challenge. Our District tried to sell debt on the market the other day and was turned down by many of the large mutual and bond funds because we are a subdivision of the State of California. Perhaps folks wll be more apt to listen to the Gospel.

Glad to hear things are going so well for you.

Jeff Trader

Anonymous said...

Elder Salazar:
Well, we celebrated the 4th for you. Your mother put together a beautiful program which helped us remember how blessed we are to live in this country. We ate a few pancakes and sausages for you, too.

Good news that your foot is not giving you so much trouble. As a ZL, do you now get a car? Explain to Pres. Cox that it is not a luxury but a must.

Your brother, Justin, is coming over next Saturday to put in a couple of ceiling fans for us. It will be good to see him again.

God bless you in your efforts to bring the gospel to the people of Mexico.
Bishop Bowring

Matt Crespo said...

Elder Salazar,

I'm glad you are having good experiences up in Mexico. Iheard about your foot and I'm keeping you in my prayers always. Well just 7 more months till you come home, we are all excited and me the most so I can kick your butt at the WII! Keep having fun and blessing peoples lives! Your doing a good job! Here from you later.

Matthew Crespo

Anonymous said...

Hi Benj,

Glad to hear you are doing good and that you are a hard working Zone Leader. I have a referral for you that I would only give to an awesome Zone Leader such as you!!

We have a girl in our ward that is a new member and she recently went through the temple. She is from Mexico and her whole family still live there. Candy and her husband were visiting Mexico and her family about 2 weks ago and they "fessed up" that she is now a member of the church. Her sister and hubby who of course are Catolicas were very interested in
the gospel and had many questions. Mike gave them both blessings before they left to come back to the US and the spirit was strong. Benj could you possibly get los missioneros to visitar este familia? They are: Maribel y Raul Hernandez
Narcizo Mendoza #10
Colonia La Loma
Penjamo, Guanajuato, Mexico 36900
Telefono: 469 6923257 casa
cell 469 1028178

Now go and get em!!!!!!!!!! We love mucho

Sue C.